Friday, November 13, 2009


Hello, I'm back!!! Miss me? i bet you do XD... joking la...

Anyway, just 1 last post before SPM

Tips to get A in SPM:

Q: How do you get A in SPM?
Ans: All you need to do is SPAM. See? An A in SPM=SPAM (lame hor?)

thought of it last night while I'm trying to sleep... So keep spamming guys, whether its in chat box (but not my blog's), e-mail, or anything else you can find to spam on. Guarantee A.

Good luck guys in SPM. Oh, and don't be so lifeless to study 24/7 because SPM=Special Playing Moments. And remember, the number of A's is directly proportional to the number you spam. Happy EXAM!!!

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