Friday, April 24, 2009

Please rain!!!

Oh, please rain mother earth!!! The weather these few days or even weeks is just unbearable. Its like so freaking hot. Every morning at school I'll be sweating like a mad cow by just sitting in the library doing my homework, not that I run around the school or do any vigorous activities... 

The condition at the packed tapak perhimpunan ain't much better. So I'll be sweating for almost 1 hour before lessons start. 

In the class, I regret making an agreement with that fatty froggoh Anselm Chan Wei Leq in the past that he will be sitting closer to the fan because I thought he feels hot easily due to his fats XP. A kind person like me will surely be pity for others mah... Now, I am the one suffering, smell stinkier than a skunk's fart, and feeling stickier than a frog's tongue.

I finally realise the true impact of global warming. Whoever you are: Datuk, Datin, Agong, Prime Minister whatever, just stop global warming!!! 


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